Hive Quiz 2

Hadoop MCQ  Set 

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Hive 2:
1. The thrift service component in hive is used for
moving hive data files between different servers
use multiple hive versions
submit hive queries from a remote client
Installing hive

2. Hive is
schema on read
schema on write
schema on update
all the above

3. Each database created in hive is stored as
a directory
a file
a hdfs block
a jar file

4. By default when a database is dropped in Hive
the tables are also deleted
Only the comments associated with database is deleted
the hdfs blocks are formatted
the directory is deleted if there are no tables

5. To see the partitions keys present in a Hive table the command used is
show extended
describe extended

6. If the directory for a partition does not exist, and a query is executed for this partition then
No result are returned
Result from a random partition is returned.
mapreduce job is not triggered
error is thrown

7. In Hive SerDe stands for
serializer and Deserializer
serialize and Desrialize
serve and destruct
Serialize and Destruct

8. Users can pass configuration information to the SerDe using

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